Perks of having a daytime job

I noticed that on some of my posts includes the life of a working woman and I think I want to write things about work and working in a more positive ways that you guys can appreciate the perks of having a day time job.

There's no such thing like staying at home while waiting for a sum of money without working hard for it nowadays. You have to go out, search for jobs or build a business of your own. I know how stressful it is working with people with different personalities, meeting deadlines and other hardships of work. For the past five years after graduation, I started working full time in different kinds of industries and I want to share some benefits of having a full time day job.

First, you can meet and make new friends. Before I started working, all I have was friends from school and I am so lucky to met and made new friends from my co-workers. Its good to have new batch and circle of friends. Not to mention they can be your connection to anything when you need something that you can ask for their help.

Life is boring when you just stay at home the whole day. Having a job can brighten up your mood because you can see different things each day. You can see a nice weather on your way to work, listen to music, and notice new things.

You can share some working pros and cons with your former college friends during get together.

You can expect that there's a fix amount of money waiting for you during payday! I've learned that having a day job isn't that but because I already experienced the life of being a freelancer in which you can just expect a payment when there's a proposal for you.

The last thing is a day job can help you attain your future dreams when you know what you really want and save for it. It may be studying again or putting a small business that is purely yours.



  1. Nice post !!! i am your 85th follower thnaks for being in contact !!! :)

  2. I feel having a day job gives that routine to your life and keeps you more busy. I continue to blog too while keeping my day job and I find myself busy all the time.

    Chaicy recently posted.. Toni&Guy Review

  3. Hello from Spain: point well taken.. keep in touch

  4. Very useful post, Zane! I believe whether you stay at home or working...never waste your life and the 'moment'. Do something that attracts more peace, satisfaction and happiness and a good life. Yes, earning money is important; in fact very important but do what you love- wherever you are-outside or at home!

  5. Love the post. :)
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  6. I really like this a lot!

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  7. Totally agree with you :) I graduated few month ago and I've started working full time, so I understand you, dear, especially that staying at home for all day will be boring and thanks to job you can meet many new people :)

  8. I know that feeling.... being at home all day sucks, whether you work or don't. Stepping out gives you more freedom and energy to keep going!

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  9. cuteee blog! I'm new follower! <3

  10. Great post

    Love Vikee

  11. I nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award

  12. Like you, I worked for many years in an office, I was also in charge of my own business and in both cases found rewarding things and little agrdables situations now I'm home dedicated to my two children and although the experience is different, the results have shown me that there are other satisfactions, I think we should make the most of every moment that we touch live!

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