Good news and bad news!

Time's so fast and this week is the last week for the month of August 2015. There are too many things happened the past few weeks and I'm so happy to be back at work. I mentioned in my previous post that I had a pink eyes but now, I feel great to be okay again. One week has passed and this week is the second week after that terrible pink eyes experience. I have too many stories to tell you guys and there are good news and bad news. 

The bad news is I broke my first ever and old digital camera which I used in my first blog since 2012. Good news is I had the time to catch up with a long lost classmate last Sunday. We talked lots of things and share different point of views regarding life and getting old! Haha! I can't imagine us talking those things.

So far, that's all I can say. I really feel bad for not having to post something about beauty products and OOTD's because my schedule at work is so hectic that I can't find time to go out and take photos. I want to post something long and interesting next time and this weekend is going to cool for that because on Monday, we don't have to work due to holiday here called National Heroes Day! 

Watch out for my next post, me too I am excited to create beauty, make-up and fashion content for you ladies!

Time to work!


  1. Hi Zane, Good to know you are feeling better now and sorry about the camera! I know how special they are to us.....sometimes we need to slow down and do one thing at a time, even if it means being absent from writing and positing take your time......
    Take care

  2. Hi Zane
    Hope your feeling better:) It's so nice to talk with old friends.
    Would you like to follow each other to stay in touch? If you follow my blog I'll follow you back as soon as I see it.
    Have a wonderful day,

  3. Hi:)
    Thanks for following my blog. I just followed you back.
    Lots of love,


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